Wednesday, July 04, 2007

More Photos

I just made a Flickr account so that I can batch upload pictures.
The address is:

I put the link under links on the right of the page so it should aways be there to get at right from the blog. I'll probably still throw a few pictures in the main part to go with certain posts, and I'll probably make an entry when I've uploaded a new batch. But, the Flickr account is where most of them will be found.

Anyway, I registered for classes today. I'm taking Maori Society, Australia and New Zealand in the Second World War, and Music Technology. 3 classes here equals 15 hours of credit back in the States. That's sweet. Also, I bought some more wool socks today. Word.


At 6:18 AM , Blogger MomT said...

Way cool Pat. The turtle looks like it could be in National Geographic!

At 11:22 AM , Blogger Garrett said...

hi brother. nice looking stuff there. i shall have to look at more of the pictures later, but right now i have to go scout nerf guns for a big nerf war that i'm planning...

At 6:10 PM , Blogger Roxana said...

patty the pics are precious. i was just showing them to my dad and he was talking about how amazing new Zealand is and now i need to visit.

also, i added you as a contact on flikr.

<3sies and missies,

At 5:26 PM , Blogger North said...

Wow Pat, way to squeeze yourself right in the center of that group photo...*sigh*

At 6:21 PM , Blogger Maria said...

Agreed! Our wonderful Patty right in the middle of it all.


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